Our Blog

Honestly, it makes me so angry when I see guest posts on social media about being scammed when trying to book a well-earned holiday. Or booking accommodation that clearly is not being run professionally/safely. We have been letting multiple dog-welcoming holiday homes in South Devon for 18 years now and So I have pulled this guide together in the hope that it helps. These days some scammers hack a...

Like most dogs ours will drink Sea Water, thankfully most of them will take a few laps and decide they have had better ideas. Our Harry who is sadly now over the Rainbow Bridge was different in so many ways ;-) We would always try and drink it, then feel sick, run over to me and bring it all back up again on my feet if he could manage it.... Feel better then run off and play again. However this on...

I saw a statistic that said dog ownership in the UK has increased by 11% in the last 2 years, given we are a nation of dog lovers already that is a huge increase. So it got me thinking that there will be thousands of dog owners holidaying with their dogs for the 1st time ever.  We have always had 3 big dogs and having had dog-welcoming holiday homes for the last 16 years these are some of the thin...